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Authority statistics

1 201310447555.6 Granted
2 201210138143.X Granted
3 201210329671.3 Granted
4 201210281501.2 Granted
5 201210280993.3 Granted
6 201210320849.8 Granted
7 201210345483.x Granted
8 201310216619.1 Granted
9 201310095939.6 Granted
10 201210190268.7 Granted
11 201210543464.8 Granted
12 201310731610.4 Granted
13 201310715362.4 Granted
14 201310503522.9 Granted
15 201310010872.1 Granted
16 201310681629.2 Granted
17 201310403681.1 Granted
18 201210525144.X Granted
19 201210293190.1 Granted
20 201210284535.7 Granted
21 201210581485.9 Granted
22 201310658903.4 Granted
23 201310326927X Granted
24 2013104569110 Granted
25 2013102977577 Granted
26 2013104950259 Granted
27 2014100486058 Granted
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