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Brief Introduction
patent agent
patent Engineer
Trademark/Copyright agent
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Yinmeng HU
  • Yinmeng HU

  • patent agent
  • 業(yè)務專長

  • Prosecution of patent applications for invention, utility model and design
  • 技術領域

  • mechanical, chemical
  • 教育經(jīng)歷

  • 2004-2008 Tianjin University, materials chemistry,Bachelor degree;

    2008-2010 Tianjin University, materials chemistryMaster

  • 從業(yè)經(jīng)歷

  • 2012-Now China Farfir Intellectual Property Agency patent agent
  • 現(xiàn)任協(xié)會會員

  • Member of Chinese national patent agent association
contact us
北京市 西城區(qū) 阜成門外大街2號 萬通新世界A711室
電話:+86-10-6406 8271(總機);+86-10-8856 8506
(總機);      +86-10-6806 2950(總機)
直撥:+86-10-5287 9830(專利部)   +86-10-5287 9829(專利部)
   +86-10-5287 9828(國際部)   +86-10-5287 9831(商標部)
傳真:+86-10-6406 8271;     +86-10-8856 8506
網(wǎng)址:www.streamingqueen.com    電郵:mail@farfir.com
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