About us
Brief Introduction
patent agent
patent Engineer
Trademark/Copyright agent
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  • Hao JIN

  • partner
  • patent agent
  • 業(yè)務(wù)專長

  • Prosecution of trademark trademark reexamination

    Prosecution of copyright

    Prosecution of patent applications for invention, utility model and design

    Patent search and consultation

    Patent reexamination and invalidation

    Patent document translation

    Patent watch
  • 技術(shù)領(lǐng)域

  • chemical, biological, pharmaceutical
  • 教育經(jīng)歷

  • The 2nd Military Medical Universcity,College of Pharmacy, Bachelor

    The Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Master

  • 從業(yè)經(jīng)歷

  • 2014-Now China Farfir Intellectual Property Agency patent agent
    2006-2011 Beijing military region general hospital pharmacy pharmacist
    1999-2003. Beijing military region general hospital pharmacy pharmacist
  • 現(xiàn)任協(xié)會會員

  • Member of Chinese national patent agent association
contact us
北京市 西城區(qū) 阜成門外大街2號 萬通新世界A711室
電話:+86-10-6406 8271(總機);+86-10-8856 8506
(總機);      +86-10-6806 2950(總機)
直撥:+86-10-5287 9830(專利部)   +86-10-5287 9829(專利部)
   +86-10-5287 9828(國際部)   +86-10-5287 9831(商標(biāo)部)
傳真:+86-10-6406 8271;     +86-10-8856 8506
網(wǎng)址:www.streamingqueen.com    電郵:mail@farfir.com
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